
CYBTP? - Joy Behar

Michelle Malkin's got it covered. Video over at Hot Air.

On the view this morning, Joy Behar - in response to a story about Sen. Tim Johnson's apparent stroke - suggested that the stroke might be "man-made".

You read it right. Man-made. Stroke.




When I saw this one, I was tempted to laugh until my sides hurt. But I decided to put the energy into writing this post, instead.

From the AP: "Dems to Wipe Out Pet Projects in Bills"

There will be no congressional earmarks," Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., and Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., said Monday in a statement announcing their plans, which were quickly endorsed by incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D- Nev.
As soon as I read the line above, I quickly remembered a favorite site of mine called Porkbusters.com. To be specific, I recalled their "Hall of Shame" page, which features none other than You-Know-Who as the Porkbusters recipient of their "Lifetime Achievement Award:

In his over forty-eight years (!) in the United States Senate, Senator Byrd has achieved a pork record that is second to none. From the Robert C. Byrd Expressway to the Robert C. Byrd Freeway; the Robert C. Byrd Institute to the Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (both of them), Senator Byrd has truly left his mark on West Virginia --- and the federal budget. (And let us not overlook the proposed Robert C. Byrd rooms in the U.S. Capitol.) It would be appropriate to erect some kind of monument to his century-spanning resume --- except that he already did so himself.

You know, it's sad when you see politicians play politics at the expense of hypocrisy. It's another thing entirely to see them play politics so stupidly. In fact, it's actually quite funny...once you get past the whole "pathetic" part of the story.


Did You Get the Memo? Hopefully Our Soldiers Haven't...

Heard about this one on Drudge earlier this evening. Apparently, Frank Rich (of the New York Times - put on that "surprise" face) has taken it upon himself to declare our defeat in Iraq. That's right: Frank says we've already lost. Hope is gone.

"The longer we pretend that we have not lost there, the more we risk losing other wars we still may salvage, starting with Afghanistan."

Alert the President. Splash it on the Iraqi newspapers. Hell...get word to Osama bin Laden: The United States has lost.

I mean, what else could Mr. Rich be looking to do with this story, other than bolster our enemies and demoralize our nation even further? I'm sure the journalist would simply say that he is "stating the obvious" or "reporting the truth". But sometimes "truth" just isn't what it seems to be.

By my last estimate, we still have thousands of troops on the ground in Iraq. In the town of Ramadi, we're killing terrorists at a ratio of around 75:1, according to a fantastic (fact-based, first-hand experience) article by Michael Fumento. The number of successes cannot even be counted. Of course, the number of failures is unacceptable. But to simply declare defeat in the midst of struggle as important as Iraq is not only reprehensible. It is unpatriotic, it is pathetic, it is unprofessional, and it is - to put it simply - sad.

Thank God this man wasn't born in time to predict our defeat in WWII, because we now know that he would have, if he'd had the chance.


Extreme Radical Keith Olbermann Slams "Extreme Radicals"

I knew there was a reason I never watch this guy.

Keith Olbermann is famous for "shedding light" on the "extremist right wing" of our country. Of course, somebody so blind to his hatred for the "Right" would have a very hard time seeing his own "extremism"...although it's exceedingly apparent to anyone watching. Although, that's not very many people.

On tonight's episode of Countdown With Keith Olbermann, the host decided to seek the wisdom of Jonathan Alter, senior editor of Newsweek Magazine. Alter joined Olbermann to expose the Right's "extreme" reaction to the ISG's newly-issued report on the future of Iraq.

Keith brought up the usual Rush Limbaugh bashing, Bill O'Reilly distorting, and general demonization of anyone who lies to the right of Hugo Chavez. He was obviously in shock that ANYONE would take the ISG's recommendations as anything less than The Bible. If you do, according to Keith (and Jonathan), you are "extremist", "radical", "blind", "out of touch", and so on. (Quotes are summations - not direct quotes)

In fact, I do not have the transcripts from the show at the moment, but the direct quotes would really say no more than what I mentioned above. There was also the typical snide remark about Fox News, specifically the morning show "Fox & Friends".

I could take the time to express my opinions on the reason behind Keith's Fox News bashing...but I think this (PDF) explains it a whole lot better than I could. But I could be wrong. I could be completely wrong.

If I get the initiative to research the transcript of this show, look for updates soon. If not, just take my word for it. ;-)


When Fiction Becomes Prediction

I live in the great state of New York. Sure it's a blue state, but it's really more of a blue city, surrounded by mostly red counties. Regardless, New York is notoriously liberal. Right up there next to San Fransisco, CA.

That's why I was far from surprised when I heard that NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg was pushing for a trans-fat ban in the Big Apple. Mr. Bloomberg is about as much of a Republican as is John McCain. Translation: he's a liberal in conservative clothing. But even with such a reputation, I was hopeful that something as incrediblly ludicrous as a "trans-fat ban" would never be taken seriously in the NYC governing ranks.

I really should have known better.

The NYC Board of Health voted on Tuesday to ban Trans Fats in city's restaurants, much to the dismay of almost everyone who lives and eats in New York City.

Of course, the Board believes that they are "saving lives" with this vote. They believe that it is their "responsibility". They are hoping to set an example for the rest of the country to eventually "catch up to".

I'm sure George Orwell would be quite proud.

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