
Back to Basics...

This site was originally created to expose the true mindset of liberals in this country - and around the world. Tonight, I'll be going "back to basics" for a bit, and highlight a couple of these loons.

Apparently, a couple (of hippies) living together over in San Fransisco have decided to launch an enormous protest against the war. "So what?", you may ask. There's nothing odd about that. It's what hippies do.

But this time it's different. This time, they actually might change the world forever...completely eradicate war. It's incredible...but they just might do it!

No, they aren't staging a massive human shield operation in front of terrorist hideouts (though I'm sure they would, if they could)...and they're not gathering petitions of people all over the world to end the war in Iraq. Instead, they have announced the Global Orgasm for Peace. Yup - you read that right.

According to Paul Reffell, 55, one of the two leaders of the movement:

“The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it. Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.”

My favorite commentary of the day on this story comes from none other than Rush Limbaugh. He even saved the couple some time, and suggested a "theme song" for the event...

...Though I'm sure it's not quite what The Beatles had in mind when they penned "Come Together".

... :)


Stanley Crouch: "Wake Up!"

I will not stand up here, as a white person, and claim to understand black culture. To do so would be empty, misguided, and simply stupid.

But what I can understand is the way black culture is presented to me in the media - and in the people I see around me. It's far too often that I see black culture represented as dirty, sexual, money-hungry, angry, sexual, murderous, lawless, immoral, and soulless. And did I mention sexual?

With the music that is coming out of black culture today, it's not hard to see why black youth has become so ingrained with the above characteristics. And before you begin to throw the "racist" tagline at me, please understand that we white people - just like every single other race on the planet - have our idiots, our immoral role models, and our general scum of the earth. I am fully aware of - and 100% agree with - that. ;-)

But I am honestly sick and tired of black culture being riddled with every negative characteristic known to man, at the hands of the very youth who - if only guided properly - could turn everything around.

Stanley Crouch has written an article that is absolutely incredible - and really nails the problem on the head. He writes:

Last week, I was in a studio in midtown where a popular program for black youths was being filmed. I found myself surrounded by black men, ages 18 to 35, and I was appalled.

As a father with a daughter nearly 30 years old who has never been close to marrying anyone, I was once more struck by what my offspring describes as "a lack of suitable men." She has complained often about the adolescent tendencies of young black men, as will just about any young black woman when the subject comes up.
I highly suggest you read the article...it's right on the money. Now if only this man's words would be taken to heart, black culture may begin to shed its negative light, and become something we can all be proud of. Unfortunately, I'm sure his words will only go as far as those of Bill Cosby's.


I Stopped Counting At 80

Count the number of times he was told to "get up!"

Of course, the campus police should have just kept shouting at the man, long into the night...even if he never actually obeyed their orders. There's a reason for tasers...they are NON-LETHAL, and they work. But then again, how dare we allow anyone to be exposed to a little non-lethal encouragement to follow orders by the police.


Nancy's First of Many...

Democrats voted today to elect Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) as the House Majority Leader, which puts Speaker-elect Pelosi at a 0-1 record, so far. Of course, she's not even officially the Speaker yet.

As you're likely aware of, Pelosi's candidate of choice was Rep. Jack "Redeploy to Okinawa" Murtha (D-PA). Mr. Murtha was defeaded by a vote of 149-86...not exactly a close call.

It's amazing how Nancy Pelosi's first WORDS were all about "working together" with the President, and "having the most ethical Congress in history"...but when push came to shove, her very first action as Speaker-elect was to nominate the man who represents the FAR LEFT point of view of the Democrat party.

Let's just say this: whether I sound like a whiny conservative or not - it's a nice defeat to relish in. :) Starting down minus 1, Nancy Pelosi will enter the House in typical liberal form: a victim of her own stupidity.

Bob Novak has a roundup of Nancy's Conundrum here.


YouTubin' For Ganstas

Michelle Malkin recently posted about this topic, which brought my attention to it. I'll just let the video speak for itself.


Kerry: Relegated to the Background

This is absolutely hilarious. I can only imagine the photoshop possibilities...

Caption: "Former U.S. Presidential candidate John Kerry (background L) watches on as incoming U.S. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (C)(D-NV) walks alongside his party colleagues on Capitol Hill November 14, 2006." (Source)

You know it's just eating him up inside... ;-)

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