Back to Basics...

This site was originally created to expose the true mindset of liberals in this country - and around the world. Tonight, I'll be going "back to basics" for a bit, and highlight a couple of these loons.
Apparently, a couple (of hippies) living together over in San Fransisco have decided to launch an enormous protest against the war. "So what?", you may ask. There's nothing odd about that. It's what hippies do.
But this time it's different. This time, they actually might change the world forever...completely eradicate war. It's incredible...but they just might do it!
No, they aren't staging a massive human shield operation in front of terrorist hideouts (though I'm sure they would, if they could)...and they're not gathering petitions of people all over the world to end the war in Iraq. Instead, they have announced the Global Orgasm for Peace. Yup - you read that right.
According to Paul Reffell, 55, one of the two leaders of the movement:
“The orgasm gives out an incredible feeling of peace during it and after it. Your mind is like a blank. It's like a meditative state. And mass meditations have been shown to make a change.”
My favorite commentary of the day on this story comes from none other than Rush Limbaugh. He even saved the couple some time, and suggested a "theme song" for the event...
...Though I'm sure it's not quite what The Beatles had in mind when they penned "Come Together".
... :)