When Fiction Becomes Prediction

I live in the great state of New York. Sure it's a blue state, but it's really more of a blue city, surrounded by mostly red counties. Regardless, New York is notoriously liberal. Right up there next to San Fransisco, CA.
That's why I was far from surprised when I heard that NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg was pushing for a trans-fat ban in the Big Apple. Mr. Bloomberg is about as much of a Republican as is John McCain. Translation: he's a liberal in conservative clothing. But even with such a reputation, I was hopeful that something as incrediblly ludicrous as a "trans-fat ban" would never be taken seriously in the NYC governing ranks.
I really should have known better.
The NYC Board of Health voted on Tuesday to ban Trans Fats in city's restaurants, much to the dismay of almost everyone who lives and eats in New York City.
Of course, the Board believes that they are "saving lives" with this vote. They believe that it is their "responsibility". They are hoping to set an example for the rest of the country to eventually "catch up to".
I'm sure George Orwell would be quite proud.